Wednesday, October 17, 2018

week 6: Exploring the relationship between identity and the need to belong.

Lesson reflection 6: Reflect upon Eve Shalen 's quotation, "often being accepted by others is more satisfying than being accepted by oneself even though that satisfaction does not last."
What does this mean to you? Does this happen in your life too? Explain.

When you want others to accept you as in their group, you'll try your best to do whatever you can to fit yourself  in to them. For example, when everyone has a new pencil box except for you, you will probably feel yourself being left out and you will try to get one as well. You want others to accept  and don't look down at you. It might be hurt when you get left out or not accepted. But as time passes, everything's gonna be fine, No one will remember that you don't have a new pencil box as them. It takes time to heal, and you do heal.

Question 4: How might peer pressure impact our ability and willingness to follow our consciences?

When we are trying to fit in with the group, we will change ourselves to become like them. The way they talk, the things they say, we can learn it just within a few days. We wouldn't become who are we at the first. We are just trying so hard to copy them, learn from them, make ourselves become like them instead of showing the real site of us to them.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Lesson reflection 5: Stereotype

Define stereotype, explain the consequences of stereotyping and what we can do.

Definition of Stereotype:
A set of idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong.

Consequences of Stereotyping: 
Stereotyping will cause someone losing their confidence and afraid to face the society. For those who has been stereotyped, they will feel hurt and sad. Stereotyped people might get united and revolt. For example, women procession on street.

What we can do: 
We can always think before we say anything instead of just "throwing out" what we thought in our mind. This is to prevent to hurt someone feeling and make them feel bad. We can also be an encouraging person, we encourage others when they feel stereotyped and when they are losing confidence.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Week 4: Moral Growth and Memory Maps

Lesson Reflection 4: Share your memory map online. After watching Margot Stern Strom's reflection on growing up in the south, write a short summary of the video of about 120 words.

My Memory map

1) After someone had passed away only know how to appreciate people surrounding me.
2)  A good teacher will always be there for you and never giving up in teaching you, they are just like your second parents.
3) By always visiting and lives with my grandparents make me know how actually important they are to me.
4) After losing something or someone really important to you, you only started to learn appreciating it.

     Margot Stern Strom grew up in a place where the white is always right and stronger than the black. When she go to school, she can always see a sign written with " No whites on Thursday" in front of the zoo. It's only open for black on Thursday. In fact, black need to sit at the back and smaller place in the bus while the white can sit in front with a bigger place. She believed in freedom and she had learnt that demand of every coloured male since she was young. There was once, she got caught by a police when she was riding a car with a black man. She felt occurred about it.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Week 3: Identity Charts

Share the identity charts for
Jonathan Rodriguez, C.J Duron, Julius Lester and Dalton Conley.

By creating this identity chart, I'm able to see myself clearer and know what kind of person I am.
Before creating this identity chart, I think about this question "Who am I? " For example of my hobbies, characteristics, appearance. I also considered of the identity that beyond my control and identity under my control.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The individual in the society part 2

Lesson Reflection 2
Handout 1.5 (Finding One's Voice) Q3 : What are you passionate about? How do the things you are passionate about help shape who you are?
  Answer: I have a passionate in never giving up in chasing something I like. Once i get interested into something, I will never stop chasing after it until I get it. For example, when I started to have my first match of badminton competition, I knew I wouldn't give up in achieving better result in the future.This passionate help to shape me into a patient and a "Dream Big" person.

Handout 1.6 (Stories We Tell Ourselves) Q3 : Make a list of the adjectives that describe you. Which did you think of first? Which took longer to think of? Why were you able to think of some adjectives more easily than others?
  Answer: ~Emotional
                ~ Lazy
                ~ Noisy (Talkative)
                ~ Sensibility
  I was able to think of some adjectives more easily than others because I know I always upset and feeling down for no reason. I think it was just that I had keep thinking about too much things.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Literature is lit

The individual in the Society Part 1

Lesson reflection 1:

In the first lesson of  literature, I have learned a word, " identity". Everyone has their different identity. Identity could be personal characteristics, appearance, interest, religion and information about yourself. We can't ascertain a person's identity is good or bad.For example: I am a lazy, short hair, loving sports guy.

Although everyone has their own identity, but we human come together as one. We don't judge anyone by their identity. Everyone identity is special and unique. We respect them as they do so.

week 6: Exploring the relationship between identity and the need to belong.

Lesson reflection 6: Reflect upon Eve Shalen 's quotation, "often being accepted by others is more satisfying than being accepted b...