Wednesday, October 17, 2018

week 6: Exploring the relationship between identity and the need to belong.

Lesson reflection 6: Reflect upon Eve Shalen 's quotation, "often being accepted by others is more satisfying than being accepted by oneself even though that satisfaction does not last."
What does this mean to you? Does this happen in your life too? Explain.

When you want others to accept you as in their group, you'll try your best to do whatever you can to fit yourself  in to them. For example, when everyone has a new pencil box except for you, you will probably feel yourself being left out and you will try to get one as well. You want others to accept  and don't look down at you. It might be hurt when you get left out or not accepted. But as time passes, everything's gonna be fine, No one will remember that you don't have a new pencil box as them. It takes time to heal, and you do heal.

Question 4: How might peer pressure impact our ability and willingness to follow our consciences?

When we are trying to fit in with the group, we will change ourselves to become like them. The way they talk, the things they say, we can learn it just within a few days. We wouldn't become who are we at the first. We are just trying so hard to copy them, learn from them, make ourselves become like them instead of showing the real site of us to them.

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week 6: Exploring the relationship between identity and the need to belong.

Lesson reflection 6: Reflect upon Eve Shalen 's quotation, "often being accepted by others is more satisfying than being accepted b...